Thursday, July 9, 2009


Well it has been awhile since the last time i have written something... and its mainly because i've been really lazy.... and some what busy with a school and the boyfriend... but many things have happened this past month...

For one I went to VEGAS 2 weekends ago for my birthday and I had a blast!... I got to tan and enjoy some drinks and clubbing... I had lots of fun gambling winning my money back thanks to the number 30!... ( I played roulette for the first time!) so ya Vegas was so hot!... but i loved every moment of it... I don't know what it is about vegas but I love being there... I guess its just the whole getting away from home... well while I was there apparently the kardashians were there but i didn't get to see them... bummer... but ya me and my bf went to this club in NEW YORK NEW YORK called ROK and I must say I had a lot of fun... plus I dint have to wait in line.. were VIP... plus there were free drinks for the girls!... lets just say I had

We came back sunday and well I had to work on Monday.. and I dont know what it was but I felt like shit that day!... I mean horrible... I felt like I was comming down with the flu or something... I took a nap thinking that the pain would go away but it didnt... so I had to cancel my plans for the eve of my birthday and was in bed sleeping by 9pm... so that kinda sucked...

luckly the next day... my birthday!... I felt alot better... my boyfriend had taken the day off from work to take me to disneyland... and i had a blast there... its really cool that they let you in for free on your birthday!.. they give you a pin that says happy birthday and then every-time a disney worker sees you they tell you happy birthday... its really nice!..I love going there it reminds me of all the good times I had as a child going with my parents!... the good Ol days!.. so glad I went... and by 5pm me and my boyfriend were so tired we called it a

So I got home by 7 and my family surprised me at home with a cake and presents... it was really sweet.. they decorated the living room with balloons and stuff . It was funny because my boyfriend took the long way home and I was like what is your problem?... little did I know he was just stalling for my brother gave me this really cute dress from HURLEY... super cute for summer I cant wait to wear it. I think ill probably wear it for my cousins baby shower. so after that we went to dinner at a mexican restaurant and called it a day!...

Over all I had a great birthday!.. its hard turning 23!... but thats life.. im just thankful to see the day!..

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